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Ctenodiscus crispatus Crossaster papposus Pteraster obscurus

Ctenodiscus crispatus

Crossaster papposus

Pteraster obscurus

Urasterias linkii    

Urasterias linkii


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Asteroidea: Sea Stars

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Sea Stars or "Star-fish" are one of the best known seafloor species because some species inhabit rocky intertidal shores. Many sea stars have a 5 legs, while the "sun-stars" have many more legs. Most sea stars are predators on other invertebrates, but they will also scavenge on dead fish.

There are about 50 species of sea stars known to occur in the Arctic. They can be found from hard rocky bottoms to softer sediments and can be found from the intertidal down to the deep-sea floor.

Page Author: Bodil Bluhm
Created: Oct 24, 2008

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