Crossota norvegica Vanhöffen 1902
A deepwater polar hydromedusae
- body upto 2 cm
Color & Characteristics
- deep-red color
- 10-14 radial canals, as opposed to eight radial canals common to other species of Crossota
- About 275 tenacles
- Stomach bottle shaped, with irregular longitudinal ridges and invaginations
- 5-7 upturned lips
- Without gastric preducles
- Gonads on radial canals near base of stomach
- Statocysts unknown
- Arctic
- Bathypelagic (below 1000 m), often observed near the seafloor, so rarely collected by nets
- Diet is unknown
Life cycle
- Holoplanktonic, without a polyp stage
Page Author: Kevin Raskoff & Russ Hopcroft
Created: Aug 20, 2010